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Pagamento - Tesas´Tea mails

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Pagamento recebido do Tesas´Tea mails:

Transaction Details

Payment Received (ID #confidencial)

Name: Tom Moye
Email: BullCookie@hotmail.com
Payment Sent to:

Total Amount: $0.35 USD

Date: Apr. 27, 2007
Time: 11:49:36 PT
Status: Completed

Weekly Payment from OpaBear
Note: Thank you for your support.
Please let them know in the forums and in your ads that you have been paid.
Forums are at http://getpaidforum.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=477933 , vote for your favorite program here
http://getpaidforum.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=478038 and here http://www.ppmonitor.com/index.php?a=details&lid=532&ref=532#vote .
Please be sure to post your payment and comments at them.
Shipping Address: No Address Provided

Payment Type: Instant


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Sobre o autor deste blog

Chamo-me David mas sou conhecido online por Dav7, nick que utilizo em muitos fóruns. Criei este blog em 2007 para partilhar as minhas dicas para Ganhar Dinheiro na Internet. Quem quiser enfrentar a crise com algum dinheiro extra no fim do mês, veio ao sítio certo!

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